Creature Feature: Tarpon

Creature Feature: Tarpon

Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) are large, silvery sport fish commonly found throughout Florida and the Florida Keys. Tarpon can grow up to 8 feet in length, weigh up to 350 pounds, and live over 50 years. It’s no wonder they are called the “silver king!” A...
Marine Habitats: Shallow Hardbottom

Marine Habitats: Shallow Hardbottom

The Florida Keys are home to a wide variety of habitats and marine life. One of the most fascinating, yet understudied habitats in the Florida Keys is the shallow hardbottom, making up approximately 30-40% of South Florida’s coastal waters. The shallow hardbottom...
Impressions from an Intern

Impressions from an Intern

Read on to hear about Anna Roach’s experiences on Pigeon Key so far!   Coming into this position as a Marine Science Education Intern, I didn’t have many expectations or know the full extent of the Pigeon Key Foundation. I did my research on their social...
Creature Feature: Spotted Eagle Ray

Creature Feature: Spotted Eagle Ray

The Spotted Eagle Ray (Aetobatus narinari) is a majestic creature that can be seen gliding through the waters here in the Florida Keys as well as tropical waters around the world. They can have  wingspan of up to 10 feet and can get to 16 feet in length. Their large...