
The Pigeon Key Foundation and Marine Science Center would like to first and foremost thank all of you who reached out to us during and after Hurricane Irma. We have sustained damage to our facility, but luckily our “core” buildings were still intact after the storm passed by us. With the help and support of many volunteers and contributors to our cause, we have put ourselves in the position to fully recover and reopen to the public in the near future. There is still a lot of work to be done here on the island, but we believe we will come out of this event even stronger than before.

If you want to help the foundation recover even faster, please donate to our GoFund Me page by clicking here! We thank those of you who have already contributed. You can also contact Education Coordinator, Casey at Casey@pigeonkey.net if you are interested in volunteering on the island! For further updates and all things related to our recovery, keep up with our Facebook page to find pictures and recent information about how the island is bouncing back. The staff is looking forward to seeing you on the island again soon.