
Casey Howley–Brigham has been a part of The Pigeon Key Foundation and Marine Science Center staff for the past 6 years and the Education and Summer Camp Director since 2018. She is the main contact and organizer for our education groups and summer camps, maintains the gardens scattering the island and still finds time to play in a cornhole league. Casey is an essential part of the day to day operations of the Foundation and a joy to work with. We would like you all to know a little more about her.

What is your role within The Pigeon Key Foundation?

I am the Education and Summer Camp Director. Some of my responsibilities include booking and planning marine science education trips for visiting schools, organizing our summer camp programs, and running our social media accounts!

What is your background?

I studied Animal Behavior at the University of New England in Maine and fell into teaching and education outreach through various positions with non-profit organizations and working in the public-school system. Other past experiences have included leading kayak tours and coaching high school basketball.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I love being able to share our remote island with visiting students and watching it change their outlook and understanding of nature. I became fascinated with the ocean at a young age, so being able to provide this opportunity to children from all over the county is very rewarding.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

The Florida Keys are one of the most beautiful places to live and work. I enjoy being able to take a swim every day, snorkel, and sit in the sunshine. I also find joy in gardening, reading and playing pickleball!

What is your best Pigeon Key memory?

The first thing that comes to mind is when I was offered a full-time position after completing my 6-month internship. Pigeon Key is such a unique place and I am so grateful I have been able to find a career that has allowed me to be near and in the ocean.

The most important question of all… What is your favorite sea creature?

Jellies of all kind! They are such majestic and ancient creatures. My favorite is either the Lions mane jelly or the sea nettle jelly.