
As most of our flock knows the Pigeon Key Art Festival was a huge success thanks to a lot of hard work by our staff, board, and volunteers, as well as World renowned artist Wyland who was generous enough to come and be the featured artist at the event.

His live art and auction raised tremendous funds for both the pigeon key foundation as well as the Wyland Foundation. Two great non profits with mission statements all but mirroring each other.

While in Marathon for the event Wyland stayed on Pigeon Key in the historic guest house. This gave Wyland and Pigeon Key Foundation Executive Director Kelly McKinnon a chance to discuss not only the current venture together but collaborative efforts for the future. During Wyland’s visit the two realized they came from neighboring towns back in Michigan and had more in common than either imagined. The ongoing collaboration on island even led to an intense game of 1 on 1 basketball under the historic old seven mile bridge on Sunday morning before returning to the festival grounds. The score of the game was inconclusive.
The Pigeon Key Foundation is ever thankful for the generosity of Wyland and the professionalism of the Wyland foundation. We are excited about the continued collaboration between our two great organizations..