
Hello Pigeon Key Foundation and Marine Science Center Fans! We are super excited to welcome and introduce our newest staff members. We have hired 5 interns to help out with this jam packed Education Season!

Hailing from Ohio, Tyler Steube is a graduate of Ohio State University. He has spent the last few months exploring the Bahamas perfecting his Hawaiian sling technique in preparation for his time in the Keys.

Alyssa Maxon, from the Fort Lauderdale area and graduate of the University of Florida, adds her knowledge of and experience with manatees to Pigeon Key’s educational prowess.

Hannah Kennedy comes to us from the snowy state of Wisconsin. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Hannah has taught environmental education to students of all ages.

Sheila Behling, also from Wisconsin and a graduate of University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, has a passion for horses and marine mammals. Her knack for cleaning is much appreciated around Pigeon Key.

Last but not least is Casey Howley-Brigham. Casey, a graduate of the University of New England comes to us from Connecticut. An aficionado of turtles, Casey adds her extensive teaching experiences to Pigeon Key’s repertoire.

From now until August, these 5 interns will be dazzling the minds of visiting school groups! Come on out to Pigeon Key and meet our new staff!.